repeat…over the course of the final fifteen days of 2009, i’m going to let you in on fifteen things that need to change in my life in the coming year. fifteen decisions that i am making that reflect things that are important to me.
i’m going to go waaay out on a limb. i’m going to give you my best shot at honest transparency, in an attempt to be held accountable. some things will be about my spiritual journey…others are simply improvements to the life i walk. either way, they are important to me…and here’s the next one on the list:
change number nine
over the years, i have publicly whined about a whole bunch of different frustrations i have had as a homeowner here in the great state.
my “indoor” water heater rotting out and flooding a third of my house…
a 75-pound beehive that grew in my attic on the backside of my house…
the ice machine hose that malfunctioned and flooded the kitchen…right after i had laid the solid oak parquet floor…
the family of squirrels that took up residence in my attic for nearly a year…and ate holes in everything before i learned of the epic power of fox urine…
the love-hate affair i have with the yearly coming of fall and the 19 trees that i have had on my property…
my garage and pantry flooding every time we have strong rains…
the mystery “dimming lights” problem…
being the proud owner of a 23-year old air conditioning unit…and the repair man who just shakes his head each time he has to come out and service it…
enormous cracks that appear in our walls the same time every year…and then miraculously disappear!
and the mice of 2009…
yeah, i love being a homeowner.
so here’s a goal i have for this year: the st. augustine lawn in my front yard is going to be fully resuscitated by the fall of 2010. you can take that one to the bank.
when we bought our house 15 years ago (a 40-year old ranch-style house in old town), i inherited a beautiful st. augustine lawn in the front yard. the owners told us they had never done anything to take care of it…just let the texas rain do it’s thing.
we were dumb enough to believe them. and then we had a six-year drought. and the eleven trees in the front yard got a lot bigger…and i completely lost my front lawn.
it took me nearly six more years to get it back to health. but i did it. and then last year came.
the lawn got an unexplained fungus. a fungus? you gotta be kidding me! after six years of nursing my lawn back to health…only to get blindsided by a fungus. i am still beside myself when i think about it.
half the lawn got big patches of diseased grass. other places just died. there used to be a thick, lush lawn…and all i had left was a scrawny, thin, wimpy-looking shadow of what used to be. my green carpet was gone.
this past summer, i worked really hard to restore it. a lot of progress was made, but this is the year for the full comeback.
i would appreciate your full support and understanding of my pursuit. i will be a much happier camper when the task is completed. really.
merry christmas.