this was an absolutely stellar sunday!
where else can you go and have a band rock the house with our version of rockabilly? i mean really…
great crowd in the first service. lots of response. good singing.
i was a little concerned for the second service about two minutes before the start…but it filled out awesomely and was a great start in our fight against the summer slump!
it was crazy that the one sunday i decide to talk about “horses”, an old youth group member shows up unexpectedly with her family. she’s on an equestrian scholarship at a school on the east coast. talk about cool…
so really, which one of jame’s illustrations of the tongue did you identify with the most? the bit…the rudder…the flame…the untamed animal…the pitcher of buzzy’s coffee…or the apple and the cucumber?
i love this church family…and i really meant what i said about missing our time together while we are on vacation.
speaking of vacation, we had a spectacular lightning show most of the evening as we drove from abilene to odessa. increadible. it was 72 degrees when we arrived in odessa. turned on the tv in our hotel room and saw that the temp in dallas was still at 91. yesss. our vacation has officially started.
here’s my invitation to you: we would love to have you follow along with us as we make our trek back to the farra homeland. there will be regular updates hope you can make the journey!
words cannot express how grateful we are for the amazing gift you all gave us for our trip. your kindness, generosity and friendship is beyond my words tonight. as excited as we are about beginning our trip, i can honestly tell you that i am already excited about returning. that’s what great friendship is all about.
one last note: one of the main reasons this was such a stellar sunday was the unexpected surprise of finding my wedding ring…which i lost about four months ago. one the little sunday school urchins that use my office during the first hour “found” it in the small couch. mmm…
there is balance in universe once again.