do you realize that if people just obeyed what scripture says, their lives would be overwhelmingly better off?
don’t lie…people will like you and trust you.
don’t steal…you won’t get thrown in jail and you’ll keep your friends.
don’t gossip…you won’t hurt other people with your insensitivity.
don’t covet…you’ll be satisfied with what you already have.
don’t be greedy…you’ll experience the joy of sharing.
don’t get angry…you’ll avoid ulcers and people won’t be afraid of you.
don’t slander…people won’t sue you.
don’t seek vengeance…you’ll witness god handling your business.
don’t get drunk…geez, there are too many benefits to list.
don’t lust…you’ll protect your marriage.
be loving…you’ll experience god.
be a peacemaker…you’ll enjoy life and sleep well.
forgive others…and you’ll be forgiven.
don’t be selfish…you’ll make room for god’s grace in your life.
have self-control…you’ll have no regrets.
live by faith…adventure will become second nature.
have patience…you’ll never be in a hurry.
submit to the best interests of others…you’ll know love.
give thanks for everything…nothing will faze you.
pray continually…you will never feel alone.
look, being a follower of christ is not some mental gymnastic…nor is it a subjective exercise in mysticism. it’s life. real life. life that is lived out daily. following christ is a practice of trust. it is supposed to be as elementary as simply doing what he says…and trusting that god will keep his promises.
so why do we fail so miserably? why are there so many who claim allegiance to the master, yet suffer so deeply from the effects of their own decisions?
i’m going to start a new study right here. beginning friday.
pay attention.