well, after a nearly ten-year absence, we made our trek to california…and back! for my friends back on the coast, it was a brisk 103 degrees here in lewisville today and, as i write tonight at midnight, it has cooled off to a frigid 91 degrees. i feel like i should go put on a sweatshirt. brrrr…
bowling and friends made it all better tonight. all is getting back to normal. can’t wait for sunday to get here!
over the next few days, i think i’ll pass on some things i learned while we traveled. i’ll give three or four each day. they’re random.
i was blown away by how everything seemed to have such a face lift. old, familiar strip malls with my favorite restaurants or stores had been upgraded with new facades. some with completely new stores and buildings…others with new paint, trim and signage. whole new malls had been built…right on the property where the old ones were. new stucco jobs on home after home in san diego…with cool new color schemes. even the home depots looked metallic and futuristic. crazy.
i wonder how much time we spend working on the exteriors of our lives, when it’s the interior that counts? in speaking of our infatuation with outward appearances, god said to the prophet samuel: “do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. the LORD does not look at the things man looks at. man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” we would do well to learn our lessons!
looking back on the days of our trip, there was very little “down” time. we were busy all the time. but we were never tired. because neither wanda, nor i, have family demands to dictate our schedule, we were free to spend our time any way we wished…and it was was with people every day. we are both energized by being with people!
there is no way we could have spent the past 37 years in ministry the way we have, without being “people persons”…and we wouldn’t have it any other way! how about you?
wanda and i really had fun being with each other. we laughed. we made fun of each other. wanda cried at the memories. i didn’t. go figure. we talked. we compared ideas. we saw things differently. we “re-lived” some incredible pain and hurt from our past. we reaffirmed that we are not controlled by bitterness or unforgiveness.
we both love inexpensive food and usually regret ever spending more five or six dollars apiece on a meal. we really don’t “get” the fancy meal thing. we both love baseball. the trips to see the padres in san diego and the rangers in anaheim were awesome! we love to drive around and look at things. we don’t like listening to the same music on the ipod, but we respectfully tolerate each other’s choices. i think she secretly likes my loud music, but just doesn’t want to admit it…
for you that are married…are you “investing” in your relationship in ways that make you look forward to spending your days together…forever? do you need help and accountability? get it. do you need ideas? ask. do you need to face some issues? what are you waiting for? this is your partner! don’t wait another day to make a plan!
more tomorrow…