not sure why i woke up this morning thinking about this. just a slow day, i guess…
this past sunday, there were some regular north pointers that sat in completely different seats than where they normally sit. it threw me off.
why did you move? has something changed in your life? was there a bad smell in that section where you usually plant yourself? has your eyesight weakened? have i moved in the front and the glare from my head has invaded your previous location? did someone steal your seats because you were late?
amazing how i can preach an entire sermon, yet have this kind of deep conversation going on in my head at the same time… must be a spiritual gift.
so this got me thinking. why do you sit where you sit on sundays? really. i want to know. do you have the same approach at a church service as you do for a movie or a football game? really. i want to know.