in spite of the warnings of impending doom due to the effects of the north texas snowmageddon, wanda and i went out for a jeep drive today. i’ve never seen sheets of ice across the roadways like this before. it was treacherous. it was amazing. i’m know people up north are used to this kind of weather, but i’m pretty sure they have 2-3″ of snow on top of their ice.
this was like driving across hockey rinks. with no sand. no salt. no plows. just goofy north texas drivers who think that stepping on their accelerators or slamming on their brakes seem like good ideas. whatever. at least it makes for great entertainment.
while driving down towards fort worth, we passed the time listening to my favorite sports talk show host, the great randy galloway. obviously, the topic was the superbowl here in the metroplex…and the devastating and unplanned-for effects of snowmageddon on the expected economic windfall for the area.
on the surface, it’s kind of funny…especially if you’re a cynic and don’t like football…or dallas…or the cowboys…or jerruh…or wealthy, pampered, entitled professional athletes. by there’s more to the story. way more.
around the area, there are tons of business…of all kinds…that have been anticipating this week for months and months, hoping to have enough sales to make up for slow…or nearly non-existent…sales over the past year. these are people with children and rent and unpaid bills and cars in desperate need of repair.
and i’m not just thinking about business owners and managers. i think about all the single-mom waitresses who were counting on overtime and big tips. and about all the minimum wage busboys and dishwashers. and cab drivers and parking lot attendants and sales clerks and janitors…and all the other people who were counting on extra work this week.
and all they’ve gotten was closed or nearly empty places of employment. it’s a small story, but one that didn’t escape me today.
so here’s a reality check. things happen.
there is so much of life that is completely out of our control. we plan for things to go well. we rock along expecting things to go as we have planned. and then it happens.
it could be a snow storm that brings your plans to a halt. or it could be a tragedy that brings you to your knees.
are you ready?