this was a good week. a very good week.
it was definitely a hollow feeling coming back to work on monday after reaching closure on our mexico week.
it was hard getting into the swing of things…
what was up with the lack of comments on my blog all last week?
speaking of blogging, i’ve hit the wall lately…
this is going to be a better week of writing. i promise.
it was awesome to get back to bowling, after a couple of weeks off.
it was like a family reunion…everybody sitting around and talking and joking and reconnecting.
you’ve got to come and join us on a tuesday night…you can sub or just come, grab some dinner and watch the exhibition.
on wednesday, i got the news that i needed to do a funeral on friday for a man who i had never met.
this may sound odd, but, in many ways, i prefer to do funerals over weddings.
later this week, i think i’ll write about why.
i’m doing quite a bit of relationship counseling these days.
it’s something i used to do a lot of when i was younger, but haven’t done so much lately.
there are not a whole lot of things more important than having healthy relationships…marriage, dating, parent-kids, or just friends.
had four new people show up at our thursday night dinner and bible study. very cool.
i’m going to keep saying it…you really ought to try having people over for dinner on a regular basis. invite some new folks. invite some old friends. it’s a recipe for a great time!
i’m really grateful to have had the opportunity to help this family through the funeral on friday. it took all morning and most of the afternoon, but it was worth it!
wanda and i went out to saginaw (bet you’ve never been there) on friday night to watch chris umpire a high school baseball game.
froze our behinds…and it wasn’t really all that cold. the wind was brutal. we had to pile on the covers just to get warm after we got home.
mowed my back yard for the first time this season. it’s going to be a looooong mowing season, i’m afraid.
my yard has new weeds that i have never seen in my fifteen years. must be related to the snow and freezing.
keeping a lawn healthy in texas is a bunch of hard work.
have you ever been to ikea? that place is nuts. especially on a saturday.
i’ve eaten a bunch of mexican food this past week…but i haven’t over-eaten once. this is a major breakthrough in my war against bad eating habits.
my wife has turned into a major college basketball freak. she loves the underdog. she’s a little disappointed that baylor lost today…
saturday was awesome. i took the top off my jeep. free at last…
not sure what’s up with this. for the past four or five years, the sunday before easter has been a low-attendance-sunday. pretty sure it has something to do with balancing out the fact that easter sunday is must-attend-sunday.
logan has taught me a new word: chreaster. that’s a person who only attends church on christmas and easter. i think it’s a keeper.
even though attendance was down a little, we had a really good crowd at 10:00…more than normal.
i preached too long in both services. i’ll have to make up for it in my easter sermon.
or not.
props to my friend jason, for pointing out that we sing a song with a double negative in it…and the word ain’t.
so i make a point of saying that god isn’t any more or less in our church building than he is at chipotle…and that’s where we all end up for lunch. mmm…
even though we didn’t have our yearly mexico banquet, the hour of prayer and worship tonight was awesome.
can’t wait to get back to mexico…even though the trip the fuzzy’s tacos afterward was pretty sweet…
lots to get done this week before our friends from socal come to visit. hope you have as good a week as i’m going to have!
live your life in a way that shows the wisdom of god to everyone you meet!