the week of christmas is always hectic…always different…
spent all day monday laying ceramic tile at larry’s house. even though my body screams at me while i’m doing it, i still love to do things with my hands. can’t wait to see the finished product this week!
i was really sore, but my knees really did pretty well. hooray for steroid shots!
it was great to work with corey on monday. i’ve never worked with him laying tile. he really knows what he’s doing…thanks to gary baca for investing in my boys and teaching them the trade of laying tile.
chris and i did all the tile work in our kitchen some years ago. i think its time to drag him out of retirement and have a family project of laying some new tile in the kitchen.
one of the joys of my life is to sit and talk with young men and women about how they can spend their lives serving god. got to have one of those moments this past monday night…
wanda spent most of the past couple of weeks being sick. i have spent most of the past couple of weeks avoiding her.
even though we set a goal of reaching $15,000 for the advent conspiracy, i’m still blown away that we have raised over $12,000! i can’t wait to hear how much more comes in before the end of the year.
i’m excited to see what youth ministry at north point looks like in 2010. i think logan has a great plan.
do you know of any young people who can join us in mexico this spring break? do you know of any parents that need to be challenged to let their kids go? get talking.
i finally put the top on my jeep. i’m so disappointed. but i have feeling in my hands and cheeks when i drive now, though…
i found out a small plastic part for my front headlight on the jeep will cost $125. i’m going to going to figure out how to rebuild it with a $5 tube of j-b weld.
we got our christmas cards out. finally. didn’t write my annual farra letter. let the whining begin.
i really struggled planning our christmas eve service. i had a great idea that just wouldn’t come together. i think i’m going to keep working on it and maybe it will be ready for next year.
the whole blizzard-white christmas thing was very cool. definitely made a difference in the turnout at the christmas eve service. no problems, though. i would have thought twice about getting out on the road myself, if i wasn’t in charge!
we didn’t have our normal “farra” christmas this year. our boys spent the day with their other families, so wanda and i didn’t do much. wanda wrapped a few presents and i worked in the garage on a present for holden. watched a little basketball and took a nap. being old is cool. naps are always part of the agenda.
we went out to jack-in-the-box for christmas dinner…just to hold us over for the chargerfest that was going to transpire.
we had a big old farra party on christmas night as all the farras gathered at the crib for some serious charger watching. this is a good year to be a charger fan.
we had a really good sunday today.
the fellowship time from 10-11:15 was really good. i had lots of good conversations with people i don’t normally get to talk to.
donuts are always an awesome decision.
i loved having the children in the service. not sure parents enjoyed it, though. too much work for them.
had some first-timers today. hope they come back for a normal service.
did you miss the first-string bass player?
great job getting all the christmas decorations down. thanks to all who helped.
have a great week. you’ve never been there before…make sure you keep your eyes on the lord!