in spite of giving over three-and-a-half decades of my life to hanging out with teenagers…trying to be hip, edgy, and culturally relevant…i am now going to expose myself for the fraud i was.
i never played video games.
i never watched animated sitcoms.
i think the reason i never played video games was because i got intimidated the first time i played “pong”. i used to get so nervous every time the little computerized ball sped up after doing a two-waller off the top of the television, i would panic for hours after my turn was over. good-bye video games.
the animated sitcom boycott was a little more complicated. it all started with wanda’s fear and paranoia of the havoc the simpsons could bring to our happy little family back in the late 80’s. thanks dr. dobson. there was no way homer and marge were going to bring their brand of dysfunctional family life inside our front door!
consequently, we not only eschewed the simpsons, we have totally avoided any of those mind-altering, family-destroying, satanic cartoon series’ that have popped up over the years.
truth is, my youth ministry swag would have been more severely marginalized through the years, had i not consistently kept listening the evil rock and roll…sometimes behind wanda’s back.
*wanda rolls her eyes at me again*
anyway, i’ve decided i’m going to repent of my conservative television watching paranoia. i’m going to press my toes to the edge. i’m going to start running with the devil. i’m going to try and re-capture my christian cool. i’m going to tempt grace.
i’m going to invest in an animated sitcom series and watch it all. i’m going to go ahead and open the door to all things bad. and i’m going to ask for your help…all you demon-possessed, back-sliden, spiritual slackers i call my friends.
i’m going to take incarnational ministry to a new level. i want to watch the things that have inspired all of you to levels of laughter that i have only heard you talk about for years. i want to experience the comedic ecstasy that has given meaning to your lives. i want my backside to feel the lapping of flames that all of yours have. i want to be equally yoked with you.
i’m just not sure which series to begin my journey with.
i gotta say “no” to beavis and butthead. i don’t want to lose my marriage.
ditto to south park. not ready to jump on the highway to hell.
i think i’ve narrowed down my short list to:
King of the Hill
Family Guy
The Simpsons
so help me out…cast your vote for my choice down the slippery slope.