this week i read a quote that was attributed to andy stanley at a recent conference:
“become preoccupied with those you want to reach rather than those you are trying to keep.”
i wrestle with this concept. this is the playing field of the church. this is the battleground where our mission and purpose are forged. frankly, sometimes it’s just the battlefield.
the other night, i found myself being preoccupied with the thought of losing people from our church family. honestly, i wasn’t just preoccupied…i was in full blown obsession! i was worried about the loss of friendship…the loss of manpower…the loss of momentum…the loss of income…the loss of reputation. i couldn’t stop thinking about it. i prayed about it. i wrote about it. i strategized. i theorized. i justified. i compensated. i over-compensated. i analyzed. i blamed. i assumed blame. then i got tired of wasting time, so i tried not to think about it. that lasted about five minutes.
preoccupation is not a bad thing, unless you are preoccupied with the wrong thing. in the church, we need to care for people. we need to educated people. we need to inspire people. we need to equip people for service. we need to lead…guide…direct…shepherd…rebuke…discipline…exhort…edify…and disciple people. it is our calling and service.
but the preoccupation and obsession (if there’s going to be any) needs to be with those who aren’t with us…those who are far from god…those who are lost and live apart from the grace and love of christ.
it seems to me that if the church became preoccupied with seeking and saving the lost (just like jesus), our churches would be a lot better off.