my sermon from this past sunday was a little different than normal… not that any of them are particularly normal!
there are some things that i am absolutely convinced of:
my dogs are annoying.
hd television is cool. very cool.
my wife is the best wife ever.
dieting sucks.
no matter how good it looks, the padres and the chargers always let me down.
but i will never turn my back on them!
my list could go on, but that’s not the point today…
i am also totally convinced that god has designed us for relationship. it is hard-wired into our spiritual dna. we are not meant to be alone. we are not meant to be isolated. we are never better than we are together. life is not meant to be lived in secret. it’s just not.
we don’t like sermons about accountability. we definitely don’t like to be told we need to be in a small group. most of us shudder at the thought of sitting with someone else and talking about the details of our life. but somebody’s got to bring up the difficult topics and ask us how we’re doing…or might never happen. honestly, it won’t ever happen.
i didn’t like asking the questions sunday morning. it was one of the most uncomfortable times i have ever had standing in front of our church family. the looks on faces ranged from astonishment to embarrassment to fear.
but it had to be done.
let me know if you want a copy of the questions. i would love to send them to you…so you can begin asking someone their answers.
if you didn’t hear the sermon, you can check it out on our church website: