some thoughts on easter 2007…
i really liked the change in our service times! it was awesome to have nearly 70 people in our first service. i think we have something to build on now.
it was great to have my whole family together for easter. even tho wanda couldn’t eat (don’t ask), we enjoyed our traditional easter foodfest at baja fresh anyway.
i loved seeing all the new faces.
watching the logjam at the rear doors between the two services was very cool.
over $5700 was put in the kingdomsales jar. wow.
i know there are always going to be people that are in a hurry to leave right after the service is over, but they are really missing something by not hanging around and experiencing the expressions of friendship that go on…long after the band has packed it up and the lights have been turned off. even tho it was easter, it was business as usual for a lot of people…
the band sounded really good. and the new song (“by his wounds”) is a winner.
there is no topic better to preach on than the resurrection of jesus. nothing.
the warmth of relationship in our building was powerful. i wish you could have seen what i saw during our welcome time. it was genuine. it was moving.
i hope people feel as convicted to invite a friend this coming week as they did yesterday. our responsibility is to offer the invitation. it the holy spirit’s job to do the rest.
it was a good easter, but now i am really looking forward to this sunday. and i’m not even going to baja fresh.