busy, busy day. yesterday, too.
speaking of yesterday, i finished preaching through the sermon on the mount. forty-two sermons. september 25, 2011 through august 19, 2012.
i hope it was good for people. i know it was good for me. in fact, i am absolutely sure that no one benefitted more from studying through the sermon on the mount this past year than me. and the competition isn’t even close.
and i’m uncomfortable with this reality.
because of my education, i have intellectual and spiritual access to information that most people don’t. i am not smarter than anybody else. i am simply more privileged.
because of my occupation, i have the time and resources to study that most people don’t. it comes with the job description and the expectation that i will study the bible seriously and regularly. i am definitely more privileged.
because i have the responsibility to teach the bible every week, i have motivation and accountability to study god’s word deeply and consistently. i do not deserve this privilege.
i am humbled that i get to spend the time in god’s word…preparing sermons…growing deeper…getting filled with wisdom and knowledge…and being the one who benefits the most from it. i wish all of you had the opportunity to do what i get to do.
i remember the first time some kid said to me (in response to me challenging him to develop the discipline of studying the bible), “…that’s easy for you to say. you’re paid to study”. i wanted to wring his little neck. how dare he cheapen my commitment. how dare he disrespect my teaching.
the problem? as crass as he sounded, he was right.
i don’t take my privilege lightly. as a matter of fact, any time you don’t think i’ve put in an honest week’s study…or my preparation seems shoddy…or my challenge for you to spend your personal time studying the bible seems insensitive or condescending…you have my permission to call me out.
we are in this together.
and i need you way more than you need me.
have a great week.