i was listening to some of favorite sports talking heads this morning as they reported that the nfl players…who have been locked out of their team’s practice facilities until the new labor agreement between the player’s association and the owners has been worked out…got some good news today.
lucky guys.
starting april 15, the players can start drawing from their special lockout fund. the idea is that since the players won’t be paid during the lockout, the association is now going to parcel out money to their players…so they will be able to make it financially during this difficult period.
each player will be able to collect $60k over the next six months.
i’m so glad they will now be able to make it.
i’m sure dez will be grateful to have the extra cash to put towards his $861,000 unpaid bling bill…especially since the $8.5 mil guaranteed money has already been allotted to some other important stuff. dang.
i know i’m sounding petty, but it just seems ludicrous to me that nfl players are trying to garner the sympathy of their fans by talking about the financial hardship many of them will be going through because of the lockout.
the league rookie minimum salary is a modest $320,000 per year. whew! sure glad those guys are going to get that $60k to tide them over.
enough of my cynicism. here’s what i’m really thinking tonight:
there is poverty everywhere in the world. there are oppressive financial burdens on your block. the problem is not that there isn’t enough money and resources floating around to take care of everybody. god didn’t somehow miscalculate what would be needed.
i read that a certain pro golfer just bought himself another $50 mil house in florida because he lost his other one in the divorce settlement.
we learned a few months ago that the american people spent approximately $450 billion on christmas presents last year. and it will only take $10 billion to solve the world’s water crisis.
yeah, there’s enough to go around.
i don’t have an answer. but i do know that we need more light in the darkness.
how’s your light?