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Politically incorrect…

Writer's picture: Mark RoseMark Rose

okay, i’m still a little (no, a lot) bugged by what happened at lunch today.

i met up with logan for our regular monday meeting at bueno…again.  lunch was so good yesterday, we decided we needed more.  99 cent “muchaco monday” was just a little too hard to pass up.

anyway, while we were there, a young couple came in with their three children…a new-born and twin boys that were not much more than a year old.  they ordered a bunch of food, put their twins in highchairs, and sat down to what was obviously their normal lunch.

twin#1 didn’t want to be in the highchair.  nope.  not at all.  and he began to let everyone in bueno’s fine dining room know all about it.  i mean, aaaallllllll about it.  it was a cry that bordered on the demonic.  it came from somewhere low in his esophagus and seemed to regurgitate out.  and there was no end in sight.

mom and dad ignored him.  carried on a conversation and seemed totally unphased by the satan-sound that was exploding out of the spawn’s bowels.  totally unphased.

mom and dad appeared to be normal.  they were dressed normal.  they looked fairly normal.  they drove a fancy, big suv.  it smacked of employed. from what i could tell, they bought some 99 cent muchacos.  they obviously had brains.

so why the disconnect?  why the total disregard for courtesy and kindness?  why ignore your own child…not to mention your fellow bueno-heads…for nearly 25 minutes of absolute torture?

dad finally finished his food and begrudgingly picked up the little out-of-control-fruit-of-his-loins and…surprise!  guess who stopped the vocal explosion?  go figure.  he carried him outside as mom continued to eat, oblivious to the entire dining room full of shocked and horrified patrons.  not to mention, relieved.

this whole nightmare got me to thinking.  i know it’s not politically correct…or even prudent…to get the government involved in the private lives of its citizens.  i’m not too hot on the government stepping in and telling me how to run my life, how to spend my money, what doctor i should go to, blah, blah, blah.

but really, after today, i think i would be all for required state-mandated tests…complete with yearly testing updates…to monitor the fitness of people to make and raise children.  i know that sounds harsh, but my ears still hurt.

call me insensitive.  call me too old.  tell me i’m out of touch of what it means to be a parent.  tell me i’m a crotchety old man who doesn’t understand how difficult it is to raise children these days.  i don’t really think i’m any of the above, but if it makes you feel better, call me whatever you want.

but when people start to mess with bueno, watch out.  it’s time for heads to roll.

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