there is more interest in this year’s presidential race than any in my recent memory. i think there may be even more at stake now than ever before. only time will tell, i suppose.
i made a heart decision years ago that i would never publically (or privately, for that matter) declare my political allegience…to either a person or a party. don’t get me wrong. i care deeply. i follow the issues with diligence. i have passionate feelings on most of them. but i am always careful in how i present my opinions, if i present at all.
i realized at a young age that there are certain issues that divide us. there are topics that can cause even the best of friends to part company. and worse yet, there are subjects that even the most loyal and dedicated kingdom builders will use as justification for disunity and separation.
certain doctrines, parenting methods, worship styles, use of alcohol, racial issues, war, how people dress, and a lot of other things cause well-meaning christians to walk away from friendships. a big one of those other things is politics… and i refuse to let my politics get in the way my ministry. it’s really as simple as that.
here’s a link to an interview in “Christianity Today”…probably the premier christian publication in our country. it’s an interview of mark batterson, a pastor in a church right in the heart of capitol hill in washington d.c. he expresses my sentiments exactly. i hope you take a few minutes to read it.