this morning, i found this quote on another blog i read:
“Believing your pastor’s beliefs because they’re your ‘authority’ is ideological liposuction. Beliefs without thinking is like losing weight without work.” – Mike Friesen
what a great title! ideological liposuction…
it’s no secret that i am at war with the role of pastor. pastor as boss. pastor as authority. pastor as CEO. pastor as the singular leader. pastor as priest. pastor as anointed. pastor as figurehead. pastor as visionary. pastor as the mouthpiece of god. pastor as primary interpreter of the word. pastor as head of the church. pastor as ruler.
as far as i can tell, through my personal study of scripture and church history, none of these pastoral roles is particularly biblical.
(if you’re interested in some of my study and conclusions on the role of pastor, you can read it here and here and here and here and here. as a matter of fact, you could just click on the word “pastor” in the tag cloud at the bottom of the column on the right and read as much as you want. i have a burr under my saddle…)
anyway…back to the quote.
i’ll help you all i can. i will challenge you and try my best to inspire you. i hope i’m a good example. but i am not your authority. no pastor is. you’ve got the book. read it for yourself. study it as if it was actually god’s words. to you.
oh…that’s right. it is.
and you don’t need me to tell you that.