some people call them mistakes. lapses in judgment. poor decisions we make that result in pain or discomfort. bad choices that change the course of our day…or our life. or the lives of others.
error. fault. blunder. slip up. gaffe. inaccuracy. oversight. misstep. blooper. misunderstanding. boo boo. misinterpretation. oops. screw up. miscalculation. goof. blow it. biff. botch. bungle. flub. stumble. flounder. aberration. oversight. indiscretion.
how about just calling it sin?
mistakes become mistakes… because of the negative consequence that happens afterward. we don’t acknowledge our actions as mistakes, until something bad actually happens as a result.
sin is sin…because it grieves the heart of god and separates us from his presence every time.
personally, i prefer the word mistake. it softens the blow and doesn’t make me feel like such a loathsome loser. if i call what i do a “mistake”, it doesn’t make me look…or feel…as bad about myself. hey, everybody makes mistakes. right?
i find the word sin repulsive, divisive, polarizing, judgmental, distasteful, hateful, and offensive.
unfortunately, so does god.