i’m always consumed with our spring break mexico trip for a couple of weeks. here’s a few thoughts from this year’s trip…
after all these years, i still love to hear singing around the campfire
work trips bring out the best…and sometimes the worst…in people
i love the people of mexico
i am always reminded that mexico is a “work in progress”. unlike our country, where people have to have things right now, the people there are content to build with what they have and are willing to wait until they have a little more to continue. the patience and contentment blows me away!
there’s a lot of nothing between dallas and el paso
bucket showers get easier with age
leaving wanda for a week at a time does not get easier with age
i wish i were in a place that required me to learn to speak spanish
there is something really empowering about serving
it was awesome to see our college young people step up into leadership on this trip
there is much that the rich can learn from the poor
it’s fun to listen to middle school kids pray out loud for meals
road markers are much easier to drive by than street signs
there was more dust than ever
it is an incredible experience to build an entire house by hand
everybody should have the experience
deep life change for young people begins on trips like these
it’s always good to get home!