i read an article today entitled “is divorce contagious?”
you can read the whole article here, but the substance of the article was that studies have been done that argue that “divorce can spread through circles of friends because social networks influence a person’s romantic and sexual practices”.
no duh.
the authors conclude:
Divorce appears to spread through social networks, and, in turn, exerts effects on the structure of the network itself, changing its character. In so doing, we suggest that attending to the health of one’s friends’ marriages serves to support and enhance the durability of one’s own relationship.
let me make that simple:
when we, who are married, make the time to help other people in their marriages…guess what? our own marriages get stronger!
frankly, it’s a pretty basic principle. the same is true for studying the bible. you want to get deeper into god’s word? make a commitment to teaching it to someone. who benefits the most from my sermons? me.
that’s how this works.
so what couple can you invest in? who are some friends that could benefit from your marriage experience? what’s holding you back?