i wonder sometimes, what people are going to believe about marriage 25 years from now.
it’s changed a lot in my lifetime. the rate of change seems to be accelerating. quickly.
i suppose it’s going (gone) the way of just about everything else in our society. you can make up your own rules. you can define marriage for yourself. each couple has the freedom to create it’s own agenda…it’s own definitions…it’s own way of interacting.
each union can decide what’s right or wrong for them.
we decide how we will function with each other. we decide who the boss is. we decide how important decisions will be made. we will decide how much yelling and screaming and fighting we will tolerate. whatever works for us.
we decide if we want any help or accountability. we decide how much is too much and how far is too far. we decide whether we need a legal contract. we will control our own future. we don’t need anybody or anything else telling us how to live our lives.
we decide when our marriage begins. we decide when it ends.
now don’t get me wrong. in all of my moralistic and sacred idealism, i’m still a realist at heart. nobody lives your life but you. nobody else is responsible for your decisions but you. nobody else is walking in your moccasins. or ropers. or air jordans.
i’m just staking a claim for authority. when you make your decisions, by whose authority are you making them? by whose “truth” are you building your life on. who and where are you trusting for your wisdom?
back in the day, people who lived together before they god married liked to use the phrase, “but we are married in god’s eyes.”
i love that phrase.
so are you really looking at your marriage through god’s eyes…through the lens of his truth? are you really evaluating every aspect of your marriage, in light of what god says about marriage and commitment and love and endurance and purity and intimacy?
if you consider yourself married in god’s eyes, what is god seeing when he looks at you and your partner?