by and large, we americans are goal oriented people.
it seems as if we were born to compare and compete. beauty pagents and taks scores and state football championships… pay raises and new homes and retirement plans. we are consumed with the future.
“what are you going to be when you grow up?” “what college are you planning to attend?” “what are some changes you need to make in your life?”
goals. we’re all about goals.
so here’s the marriage question for this tuesday: what’s the goal of your marriage?
i’m not asking about your marriage goals...for your finances and your house and your kids and your next vacation. i’m not talking about goals to be happy or to move to a nicer community or to hike the himalayas together. those are marriage goals.
i want you to think about the goal of your marriage.
what do you want your marriage to be? what kind of statement do you want your marriage to make to your children? what do you want people to think of when they consider your marriage? how will your marriage honor god? what will people learn about god when they come close to your marriage? what kind of influence will your marriage have? how will your marriage reflect values of the kingdom? what kind of legacy do you want your marriage to leave?
your answers to these questions will define the goal of your marriage.
i think it might be time to raise the bar.