Wanda and I went to a movie yesterday. Shock…not something we normally do, but it was a nice way to spend the afternoon on her day off. We saw Blindside. Definitely worth seeing.
That’s not what i’m thinking about right now, though.
While we were waiting for the movie to start, we saw a preview for a movie that’s coming out in February…it’s called Valentine’s Day. It stars 15 or 20 really big name actors and, my guess, it is going to be a huge hit. I don’t think I’m going to go and see it. I saw enough in the preview.
From what I can tell, the movie is all about relationships and feelings and love and…couples hooking up. And as I watched the preview, I found myself getting really agitated. Not at the movie, but at people who are going to watch the movie and not be bothered by it.
Couples having sex outside of marriage is not much of a big deal anymore. It hasn’t been for years. It’s pretty much expected…in the movies…on television…in the music we listen to…at school…in the workplace…in the neighborhood… in bathroom stalls and underneath restaurant tables and in the back seats of cars.
Geez, some parents even express relief when they find out their teenagers are having sex… “At least he’s not gay”…or, “At least they remembered to put on condoms.” What?
Real men speak of their sexual conquests. Teenage girls still squeal at the sight of a hot looking guy. Women dress to draw men’s attention. Guys are losers if they are still virgins by the time they reach college.
Look, i’m no sexual prude. I understand this is the 21st century. We are the highly enlightened elite. We apparently know better now. I guess…
Also, I suppose we are the products of the slow erosion of morality in our world. We are desensitized. We’ve seen too much. We’ve heard it all. We see sex outside of marriage in our sports heroes and our favorite movie stars and our rock gods and our politicians and our teachers and our church leaders and our children and our best friends. And we shrug our shoulders and go about our business.
So here’s what I’m agitated about: Most married people I know have no idea why God designed sex for married people only. They can’t articulate the logic in god’s plan.
People ask, “If sex is such a great thing, why does God want me to wait until I’m married?”…or, “Why would God say that something so good is wrong? This is what people who love each other do!”…or, “What’s the big deal? We’re not hurting anybody…”
We tell our young people to wait for sex. They ask us “Why?” We tell them that God says so in the Bible. They ask us to tell them where it says that…and we say, “I don’t know. It just does.” Really? Is that the best we can do?
Here’s what I’m saying. Married people need to stand up for marriage…the sanctity of marriage…the sacredness of the act of sex…the holiness of the union between a husband and a wife.
I’m not talking about civil union. I’m talking about what it truly means to be one flesh.
Do you get what i’m saying?