i found this list of questions by anne jackson at flowerdust.net this evening. it’s a pretty insightful list of questions. could you answer them? do you have other important questions that you think we need to be asking ourselves? what does it say about you if you’re not asking (and answering) these kinds of life questions?
here are the questions:
1. What do I wish to be remembered for? 2. Is this really as good as it gets? 3. How was it that I could be so successful, so fortunate, and yet so frustratingly unfulfilled? 4. If your life was absolutely perfect, how would it look to you? 5. What is my passion? 6. How am I wired? 7. Where do I belong? 8. What will I do about what I believe? 9. Who am I? 10. What do I value? 11. What gifts has God given me? How can I use them? 12. What would I be willing to die for? 13. What injustices do I see in the world, that I simply cannot stomach anymore? 14. What is it about my job that makes me feel trapped? 15. When you are in bed at night staring at the ceiling, what questions are you asking yourself?
so what do you think?