some thoughts on sunday:
i don’t like it when our first hour attendance is down.
on the other hand, whenever the building is packed in the second hour…!
steve fee is a crazy good worship song writer.
i loved seeing our graduates stand and be counted.
ron jostle and john the apostle were hilarious. not sure everyone gets their humor, though…
it’s good to be preaching through a book of the bible again. i like the structure.
i think it’s a lot harder to be interesting. i felt like i was informative. gotta work on creativity.
i’m glad we are a church that takes communion every sunday.
it will be good having brandon back. i came close to embarrassing myself on the bass.
was i the only one who thought the building was really hot yesterday?
there is not much to inhibit water flow on a newly-shaved head.
i wonder what our guests really thought of north point?
bowling was awesomely incredible!
our youth group needs to hang around our adults to find out how to really have fun.
the group babysitting thing was pretty cool. except for the ones who had the real responsibility.
my wife is a pretty competitive bowler.
can’t wait for the summer league to start.
i really love this church family.
the week ahead:
working on two bible studies each week (1 john and mark) is demanding. it’s requiring discipline i don’t have right now.
i better find it.
can’t wait for thursday nights. this new study is great. this new study is great. it’s the hebrew in me…
two weddings to do this week. pretty cool.
graduation weekend is going to be demanding.
lots of people to meet with.
hope you’re one of them.