in track and field, two of the coolest events (though not a spectacular as the 100m dash or the mile run) that we get to watch are the high jump and the pole vault. the bar is set on the standards for each competitor to try to get over the bar. as the athletes clear the established height, the bar is raised to a new height, making it increasingly more and more difficult to clear.
athletes are driven by the goal of attaining higher and higher pinnacles by continually raising the bar to new heights…new challenges…new targets. man…i love this metaphor!
are you constantly raising the bar in your personal life? are you seeking out new challenges? are your goals higher and loftier than they were last year?
are you doing anything by faith? or are you settling for things you know you can do? are you taking risks? are you attempting things that require prayer to accomplish? do you settle for “ok”, or do you relentlessly pursue better?
where is the bar being set in your relationships…in your study of god’s word…in your thought life…in your service…in your worship? is it time to be raising the bar?