in honor of the start of football season, i thought i’d share with you some of my favorite sports metaphors that apply to life, leadership, relationships, discipleship and personal growth. for those of you that don’t appreciate the well-timed (but not over-used) greatness of a sports metaphor, i would suggest spending a few evenings of watching back-to-back-to-back-to-back repeats of espn sportscenter. it is a cure for many things…
one of my all-purpose favorites is keep your eye on the ball. probably best known to a baseball hitter, it is a discipline that is taught in virtually every sport that is played with a ball. football wide receivers, soccer goalies, golfers, tennis players, and other athletes all know that keeping their eyes on the ball is the most basic and fundamental of all steps to mastering their game. focus on the basics must never be overlooked.
as an athlete, you can have mad skills, powerful muscles, a great reputation and unlimited potential, but if you lose sight of the ball, nothing else matters. you will fail. every time. no debate. case closed.
the same is true in life. it is so easy to jump ahead and forget the basics. we can lose concentration and easily lose sight of the simple and practical things we need to be doing everyday. focus is essential in everything we do. being able to narrow down our plan to the basics is the foundational step we have to take before we take any other steps.
where have you lost focus?
what part of your life needs to be brought back to basics?
what’s stopping you from keeping your eye on the ball?
what are you going to do about it this week?
stay connected here this week. the sports metaphor will “raise the bar”…