last may, i made the plunge into the mac world. my shift over to the ipad2 has been a good one.
most everything i used to do on my laptop i now do on my ipad2. i’m about 50/50 on sermon prep. i’m still waiting for a better blogging app. wordpress needs to get in the ball game. until then, i will continue to do my posting on my trusty sony vaio (although i don’t know how much longer this will last…i’m now into year six on it and it’s showing the same kind of age my knees do.)
now, after two years of using a verizon droid incredible as my cell phone of choice, the next step into full-blown apple cult indoctrination has happened:
i am the proud owner of an iPhone 4S.
so is wanda.
i’ll keep you posted on how that adventure is going.