here are some possible titles:
“yankees suck!”“rangers suck!”“why i don’t drink alcohol”“when grown men don’t grow up”“the F word…perfect for every occasion”
i’m certain, by comparison, the obnoxiousness that occurred in my section of last night’s rangers-yankees contest was tame by new york standards. not even close to what goes on throughout the whole of yankee stadium every game night. but for the genteel, southern-hospitality minided folks of arlington, this was a big night.
we had it all. a myriad of obscene gestures. taunting. men calling each other “bi*ches”. women with the wrong choice of clothing. a frightened ranger hospitality host. multiple security guards. a few challenges to “take it out to the parking lot”. F-bombs. liquid stupidity flowing… i’m pretty sure the ranger concessions made a killing in our section. a spit in the face. a push down the stairs. a bunch of grown men rushing a bunch of other grown men to defend the honor of their drunk bro. four ejections. and friends with a couple of nice guys in back of us.
for me, it was just another night at the ballpark.
for wanda, who grew up in the home of an alcoholic, it was not a good night.
we laughed and stared and ducked and avoided the conflicts that brewed (nice choice of words) for five or six innings. we tried to watch the game (glad i’m not a real ranger fan…they got spanked by the pin stripes) and enjoy the company of our friends.
by the way, no one should ever go to a ball game in the midst of a high-fiber, fruit and vegetable “cleanse”…the ballpark hot dogs were screaming “eat me” all night…
without getting too philosophical, i think the thing i’m stuck with after last night is the depressing awareness that most people in life have nothing more than the events of their day to give them meaning and purpose…whether it be a ranger game, a beer, a fight, a hook up, a job, a new car, or whatever.
for me, it’s sad and challenging at the same time. we are surrounded by brokenness on every side. we rub elbows with all kinds of people everyday. we walk in the midst of messy humanity. are you looking? are you listening? do you care?
better yet, what are you doing about it?