if you have read my blog over the years, you’ll know that one of the topics i steer clear of is politics. not because i don’t care. not because i don’t vote (which i do). not because i don’t have a political position (which i clearly do).
no. i don’t spend much time talking politics because i’ve found it’s a sure-fire way of alienating half of the people i am called to minister to. it’s the one topic that is guaranteed to pidgeon-hole me into a corner with the other group.
right-wing politcal conservatives (especially the christian kind) are vilified these days in the public forum…and for many good reasons! left-side political liberals (even the christian kind) are being torched by the “right” in the media and through the internet.
at this point in my life, i simply don’t want to hinder my ability to speak of the love and grace of god…to anybody.
with that said, i’m going to pass on a link about the health care reform debate that i would encourage you to read. it’s by brian mclaren, one of my favorite authors and preachers…and an outspoken leader in the politcal-social-moral-spiritual dialogue going on in christian circles these days.
he may be a little “left” for some of you. that’s ok. you might need to be stretched. his writing on this subject is profound and i believe it would be good for every christ-follower…whether you lean to the left or the right…to digest.
so read it. consider his words. lay your agenda aside and listen as a humble seeker of truth. no more. no less. if you like what you read, pass it on to someone else!