1. after a few months of praying and preparing for full house sunday, leave it to the weather in texas to change our plans. on top of everything, it wasn’t nearly as bad as the weathermen predicted, but it doesn’t take much of a threat of bad weather for people to pack it in on a sunday morning. hah!
2. i am now on week number six of being sick. thought i was completely done with it on friday, but no…after working the garage for a few hours on saturday afternoon, the drainage, the sinus pressure, the coughing…back again. and back to the musinex.
3. this really is a thumbs up…but for now, it’s a bummer. i had a friend give me a wood-burning, cast-iron stove. for real. some of you know (those who visit my house in the winter) that the farracrib doesn’t have any heat in our big, add-on family room…the heater died about six years ago. we have a big stack of blankets. i had set aside this past weekend to install it. didn’t happen in time for our current cold stretch. gotta grab another blanket before i finish this post…
4. finally, a great bowl game to watch last night. but too little, too late for me. thirty-five bowl games has stolen the lustre that always made the holidays a fun time to watch the games. good for all the teams, but i didn’t watch hardly any of them. bring back the past…
1. i made a major dent in my garage cleaning project. i estimate i have another twenty years, or so, to finally get it completely cleaned up. i know we like to anticipate the return of jesus, but if he could just hold off until i finish this project…
2. in spite of having to cancel full house sunday, we had a great day. the music was awesome. people were excited to see each other. i loved preaching about salvation.
3. i could have devoted the entire sermon to re-telling the story of rescuing wanda from her canoe crash in the trinity river in 1977. that was nearly 34 years ago. i remember it like it was yesterday. i have loved being married to her every day of those 34 years.
4. this week, my old friend roger is spending a few nights with us while he attends a pastor’s conference here in dallas this week. getting to “relive” my youth ministry in the 80’s has been fun. staying up until 3:00am has not been particulary wise, tho…