here’s another question that tony morgan suggests that growing churches should be asking:
#3 – Do we exceed the expectations of our first-time guests? Whether we like it or not, our guests are “consumers” before they become convinced that they should be learners, worshippers, or servants. That means that they are walking into our doors for the first time and expecting an experience that meets or exceeds what they are getting at the theater, the restaurant, or the mall.
i don’t know if i completely buy into the whole “consumer” mentality of today’s church shoppers, nor am i convinced that we should be catering to the consumer experience that expects to be wowed into coming back the next week. i’m curious what you think…
more importantly, tho, why do you think it is so hard for most of us to invest our lives in someone we don’t know? why is it so difficult to be friendly and interested in someone who is taking time to investigate our church family or, more importantly, the claims of the one we call our leader?
honestly, it amazes me to watch how easy it is to walk right past people we don’t know…to find a friend or quickly get our favorite seat in the auditorium. i’m not throwing stones here. i share the same kind of uneasiness when i am forced out of my comfort zone and into the life story of another person.
but if i truly want to be like christ, my commitment to love god and love others needs to be more than a catchy slogan on the front page of a church web page.