in honor of the coming of the simple service initiative in a couple of weeks, i was thinking about tools. yeah, tools.
i love tools. i have a lot of them and i know how to use most of them pretty well. i have tools that i enjoy using and have sort of a euphoric experience when they are in my hands and performing their tasks. if you don’t understand, don’t get a headache trying to figure it out. just accept that i am kind of a closet “tim the tool man”. if you don’t understand that…well, you’re probably too young.
here are the five tools that i own that are my favorites:
5. the mighty “rotozip” – a more recent acquisition that performs a variety of cutting tasks. loud, high-pitched and messy.
4. vice grips – the ultimate “all-purpose” tool that i have used in almost every type of building or repair project imaginable.
3. the 6-in-1, changeable screwdriver – there is no question that this is the most used, most functional, most needed tool in my arsenal. i understand the value of a powered screwdriver, but there is nothing like the torque of your own hand for handyman projects around the house.
2. the “sawzall” – the ultimate tool of mass destruction. the tool that is the great equalizer. there is almost nothing that this piece of machinery cannot conquer. when all else fails…go get the sawzall!
1. the short, round-point shovel with a D-handle – you might be surprised (if you care at all) that this is my favorite tool, but it is. years ago, when i spent my summers working as a laborer doing commercial construction, i invested hours and hours of my life perfecting the art of shoveling cement with this beloved piece equipment. even to this day, i bet i can still “out-shovel” anybody on cement day in mexico! talk about an awesome addition to my resume if i need to go job hunting someday…
what about you? do you have a tool that you cannot live your life without?