i got up this morning thinking about how long i have lived in texas. don’t ask me why. i just did.
there are many things i love about living in texas. a future top five day will be devoted to those reasons. but for today, i want to list my top five names of cities or towns i have visited in the great state. i love these names!
5. Purves – need i say more? this is a little town southeast of dublin (home of the amazing dublin dr. pepper)
4. Uncertain – this is a little hot spot on caddo lake in east texas. to be honest, i’m a little uncertain of most of east texas…
3. Cut and Shoot – between conroe and the thriving metropolis of cleveland…a suburb of lizzy’s rockin’ hometown of tarkington. you just gotta go there.
2. Ding Dong – just south of kileen and copperas cove. really…who would think of naming their town “ding dong”? i guess you have to be one to know one.
1. Pflugerville – not sure why, but i always start laughing every time we pass through here on our way home from austin. it always makes me ask, “what’s a pfluger?”
so how about you? do you have any favorite texas towns that have names you just can’t forget?