last night at “thursday night club”, i had each person tell the group a couple things that nobody would know about them. after all these years of preaching and teaching, i don’t have a whole lot of secrets. i don’t know if this is good news or bad…
anyway, i told of my disgust for the smell of coffee (and taste, too) and that my career goal when i graduated from high school was to be a concert french hornist. true.
there are a whole lot of things you don’t know about me that i wouldn’t mind if you knew…and there are things you don’t know that i would probably like to keep that way. self disclosure is a funny thing. some of the things you don’t know about me that i don’t want you to know about are probably the things that should really be disclosed. did you understand that?
here are five reasons we don’t self disclose:
5. we have made a habit of living in self-denial
4. we are not close enough to people for that to be a natural occurance
3. we have been hurt, rejected or ridiculed by people when we have tried it
2. disclosure might require change
1. fear of embarrassment (and ridicule and rejection and etc…)
those are five that i can think of. can you add to the list?