how we deal with change pretty much defines how we will deal with life.
it doesn’t much matter which end of the theological spectrum your find yourself. you can believe that god is the sovereign string puller…the one who is making everything happen according to his “will”. or you can be an open theist…and believe that god has chosen to exercise general, rather than meticulous, detailed providence.
either way, you still have to deal with unexpected or unwanted change.
our plans blow up. we lose friendships. our health goes down the toilet. we lose our jobs. the air conditioner breaks. the car won’t start. somebody else’s decision has huge repercussions on our time. the roof leaks. again. our stupidity breaks trust. our teams get beat. our applications get turned down. people die. without asking.
you can say god has orchestrated it all…or you can accuse god of being distant. but either way, you will always have to face the reality that life has changed.
…and how you cope with the cards you’re dealt, speaks volumes about what you believe about god, about yourself, and how you continue to move forward with your life.