(my apologies…but i am posting this same thing on my other blog for today…just to make sure it gets read. it’s that important)
for the uninitiated, “byof” stands for “bring your own fork” and that was the title and content of my most recent sermon series.
…and it was a good series. i see more and more people opening their bibles during the sermon and a new awareness of the need for taking personal responsibility for feeding oneself. mission accomplished.
i am continually amazed at our ability to understand (and even act on) the concept of taking responsibility for our marriages, for our personal health and well being, for our education, for our front lawns, for our baseball swings, for…well, pretty much anything…
except our personal spiritual lives and our experience with god.
we are so quick to complain about how boring church is…or how we aren’t feeling close to god…or how we are struggling with sin or doubt or anger or forgiveness or lust or temptation or any number of other things…but we won’t do anything about it.
people just drift away into ambivalence about their faith. or they go looking for a better church. or they complain about not being fed well enough.
why doesn’t it occur to people that the answer is sitting right on their nightstand? why the reluctance to open the book, take out a fork and start shoving it in?
man, it’s time to wake up!
we start a new series next week. i’m pumped. don’t forget you can listen to the sermons online at http://www.npcc.cc (click on resources). pass it on to a friend.