i’m so grateful for the inspiration i receive from other writers…books, blogs, periodicals, commentors, screen writers, historians…all. the insights that i get make a huge difference!
any parent will tell you that having a baby changes things. going from mom and dad…to mom, dad and junior is more than an adjustment…it’s a total seismic shift. everything is different. you don’t do anything the same. sleep patterns are exploded. meal time is work. travelling is a joke. holidays are chaos. finances are in shambles. so is the living room.
going from mom, dad and junior…to mom, dad, junior, and junior2 is another adjustment. going from three to four in a family requires re-thinking, re-modeling, re-creating, and re-doing a lot of things differently from the first time around.
in a family, this all makes perfect sense. in a church, we are not so quick to embrace the same reality. we are masters of doing things the same way…whether they work or not. often, we do things…the same things…without thinking, simply because we have always done it that way before.
good moms and dads prepare for growth. they anticipate and welcome the change that a bigger family will bring. they plan for it. they spend for it. they learn all about it. they talk to others who have gone through it. they start making the changes nine months before the growth arrives. their excitement and giddy anticipation consumes their thoughts, their conversation, their decision-making, their budget, their associations…pretty much everything.
what do you think we could learn from good moms and dads…that would help us build a healthier, growing church family?