i’m not an angry guy.
somewhere along the line, the words of scripture sank into my heart. statements like, “live at peace with everybody” and “don’t let the sun go down on your anger” and “make every effort to keep the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace” became more than religious platitude.
i took them seriously and made them my daily life goals. i believe those statements to be more than lofty ideals. i believe them to be absolute commands of the creator of the universe.
for real.
but that doesn’t mean i don’t struggle with a lot of stuff. hey…if it wasn’t hard, the apostle paul wouldn’t have had to tell people to make every effort!
here’s one of my biggest struggles: i wish people wouldn’t assume that all people who call themselves “christians” are alike.
it seems like its so easy for people to make assumptions about christians…or “religious” people. but its wrong to put everybody in the same box. we may share common core beliefs…or even some similar behaviors and attitudes…but however much we hold in common is blown up by the depth of our diversity.
i don’t assume all women are lesbians…just because some are.i don’t assume all teachers are lazy and uninspired…just because some are.i don’t assume all coaches are bullies…just because some are.i don’t assume everybody who rides a harley is a thug…just because some are.i don’t assume all african-americans play basketball…just because some do.i don’t assume all democrats are socialists and stupid…just because some are.i don’t assume all republicans are arrogant and racist…just because some are.i don’t assume all poor people are looking for a handout…just because some are.i don’t assume all men are gay…just because some are.i don’t assume everybody who drinks is an alcoholic…just because some are.i don’t assume everyone who is homeless is uneducated…just because some are.i don’t assume every texan is ignorant…just because some are.i don’t assume every californian is a fruitcake…just because some are.
do you get my point?
just because i claim to be a follower of christ, don’t put me in a box that you have created for me.
thank you.