i’ve decided to dedicate thursdays to giving some of my personal life axioms…truth that, from my perspective, is self-evident. sometimes practical. sometimes philosophical. sometimes whimsical. but truth, no less.
“this, too, shall pass”
this is a truth that i have held on to for years and years. i first heard of it when i visited an alcoholics anonymous location and saw it posted on a wall. i was struck by it’s genius and it’s simplicity.
it has a mysterious origin…one steeped in jewish folklore…attributed to king solomon. abraham lincoln summed up the story the best in an address to the wisconsin state agricultural society in 1859:
It is said an Eastern monarch once charged his wise men to invent him a sentence, to be ever in view, and which should be true and appropriate in all times and situations. They presented him the words: “And this, too, shall pass away.” How much it expresses! How chastening in the hour of pride! How consoling in the depths of affliction!
by constantly having something to look forward to, he found himself content. what he previously thought was satisfaction was only a superficial feeling that was brought on by his great wealth…which was only temporary…thus, his satisfaction could not last forever. true satisfaction could only be found when he recognized his wealth for what is was.
wealth, poverty, health, sickness, good times, bad, injustice, fairness, right, wrong…it’s all with us. and it all inevitably passes. this sobering reality can bring freedom or apathy…take your pick. for me, i prefer freedom.
the apostle paul put it this way:
I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:11-13