i’ve decided to dedicate thursdays to giving some of my personal life axioms…truth that, from my perspective, is self-evident. sometimes practical. sometimes philosophical. sometimes whimsical. but truth, no less.
“sooner or later, your hidden life will catch up with you.”
it’s an interesting reality. just about every person you know has secrets they don’t want anybody to find out about. hidden sins. a dark side. things about you that you don’t want others to know.
why don’t we let others in? lots of reasons. embarrassment. fear of rejection. we work hard on the image we portray to others. for many, it’s a lifetime of building that they are afraid will come crashing down if people knew who they really were. for people who claim to be followers of christ, this is a particularly paralyzing fear.
afraid of what we will lose. people deceive themselves into believing that if they just keep up the lie, everything can go on as normal. the irony is that they will eventually lose it anyway.
our mind can convince us there is less pain involved in juggling our secrets, than there will be if they are exposed.
i’m not suggesting that we are supposed to tell everything, but i am saying saying that there are secrets that hold us back, deceive us, strangle us, and suck the life out of relationships and passion and purpose. the sooner we own up to them and let others in on our struggle, the sooner we can get on with living the life that jesus died for.
it’s that simple. and that difficult.