i’ve decided to dedicate thursdays to giving some of my personal life axioms…truth that, from my perspective, is self-evident. sometimes practical. sometimes philosophical. sometimes whimsical. but truth, no less.
“risk being hurt by people…the potential rewards are great!
It’s pretty true when they say that “if it weren’t for the people, life (or the church) would be really great!” People, especially the unhealthy or dysfunctional ones, can really hurt us. i learned a line a few years ago that has been proved true again and again. it should probably be an axiom. it goes like this:
“hurt people hurt people.”
it’s just the way it is.
But it is within the risk of being hurt by people that we find the greatest potential to live our lives fully the way that God intended. God did not wire us to live in isolation. He did not design us to exist as islands, free from the intimate interaction that happens when we share life deeply with others.
He created us for relationship…first with Him…and then with others…all kinds of others! People can treat us poorly or they can treat us with amazing respect and fierce loyalty. The problem is we can never, ever, get to the really great level of friendship without taking the risk of being abused.
i’m not a perfect friend. far from it. i can be selfish…introverted…pre-occupied. i can put up walls when i’m hurt. i can do things that frustrate people and confuse people and cause people to question my leadership or even my integrity. it comes from my sinful nature that will never be completely cured during my time on earth.
but i will not stop trying to be the best friend i can be. i will never stop holding the bar as high as possible for what real friendships should be. i don’t ever want to let my own hurt or disappointment or frustration with people be the reason to cut off friendship.
with that stated, there is a “flip” side. i’ll pass that axiom on next week. until then, let’s just work on taking the risks to be hurt by people in an effort to be the kind of friends god would be honored by.