if you’re from north point, you already know a lot of what i’m going to write about tonight. if you’re not, let me explain a little bit about the advent conspiracy.
four years ago, i read about these three churches that worked together to heighten awareness about the world water crisis and raise money to build fresh water wells in developing countries…while they also challenged the way their church families experienced christmas.
to me, it was brilliant.
for years, i had struggled to find ways to teach true kingdom values during the out-of-control assault of american consumerism during the christmas season. it seemed like no matter what, jesus always lost out to santa.
for me…for north point…everything changed when we joined the conspiracy.
for us, it was pretty simple. we had to acknowledge we already had enough. way more than enough. and we didn’t need to keep buying more stuff for ourselves. that was the start. then on sunday early in the fall, we asked every north point family to write down a projected number they thought they would spend on christmas…gifts, food, travel, entertaining, all of it.
then i challenged them to do christmas on half that amount…to find ways to give creative gifts for less…and to make christmas about worshipping jesus and investing in relationships. and give the other half to the north point advent conspiracy fund to take care of people who don’t have enough.
we’ve done it for the past three years and it’s revolutionized christmas for us. everybody participates. kids expect less for christmas and get excited about giving money away. parents now have tangible ways to teach their children kingdom values during this crazy time.
and it keeps our church family on the same page. it’s something we do together. it’s something we own as a group.
the first year, we collected nearly $15,000. the second year we almost hit $20,000. this year, by the time all the money comes in, i have no doubt we will exceed $25,000. that’s right at $60,000… by simply giving ourselves fewer christmas presents. that’s it.
and for any of you that are not familiar with our little renegade group, we number about 250-275. including children and an occasional basset hound.
…and no sugar daddies bankrolling this thing.
when we were first deciding to do this, one of our fears was that our regular giving to the north point budget might take a hit, if people chose to give their money to advent conspiracy instead of to the general offering. but we believed, from the very beginning, that it was worth the risk.
for the record, all three years, we have met…or exceeded…what we have needed financially during the month of december. absolutely amazing.
and giving the money away could be about the coolest thing we get to do all year. so where does the money go? here are a few of the things we’re able to do this year:
six new fresh water wells in india at $1000 each (14 in three years)
$5000 towards the building of five new homes on the san carlos indian reservation in globe, arizona
$2500 for a new home in juarez, mexico
thousands of dollars for christmas gifts for local families and children in need
three years of tuition and fees for a bible college student in india
…and much more!
so to the north point family: you guys are awesome. your sacrifice has made a difference. people will have clean water and they will live. people will have adequate shelter. children will be able to stay with their families and have places to sleep and grow up. dozens of families and children experienced a christmas with presents. lives will be changed. hope will be restored. god has already been honored.
if you aren’t part of the north point family: have you joined the conspiracy? what’s stopping you?