somewhere back in the hard drive of my past, i learned that giving ten percent of my income in the offering plate each week was what i needed to do. i’m glad i learned to do it. i’m glad that wanda and i have always shared that same perspective.
through the years, ten percent has never really been our goal. it’s always been like a starting point. a place where our giving begins and moves on from. for the most part, ten percent has been what we have always given to the general budget for the ministry of our church family. other giving has always been above and beyond that.
the ten percent starting point is never negotiated. it is never questioned. it’s never lowered. it is never up for debate. it just is.
do i think god requires it? nope. do i think we are under the same laws of the old testament? no way. do i think that jesus would want me to give ten percent? i honestly don’t think he thinks about it. does it make me better than others? i wish. is god pleased when i give it? i suppose, but it doesn’t occur to me to think about it. will i be punished if i don’t give it? please…
so why do i do it? i think i’ll tell you over the next few days. i hope you stay tuned.